Tuesday, January 25, 2011

But, Its just like... she's the coolest...

"But, Its just like...she's the coolest..." are going to be posts about people whose style, personality, or whatever I admire.
I did a previous post about Edie Campbell and you can see that if you look in the archive. This time it all about Blake Lively,
her style and beauty is just so effortless. Her confidence beams even through magazine pages and how could you not be jealous
of her legs that go on for days. That's why she's the coolest


  1. LOVE her blue trousers with that golden jacket<3

  2. She is such a babe, if I were to be a blonde I would choose to be Blake Lively.

    I'm http://head-toefashion.blogspot.com/ sister!

    Check me out:

